I'd never thought about the idea of having my own blog in English...and now...HERE IT IS!!! Up until recently the "relationship" with my computer was restricted to a couple of basic functions and the most abused buttons I used to press were "ctrl+alt+canc" because I was always in trouble.

Then -during the triennio at the university- I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the world of e-learning, thanks to the use of First Class courseware. I even ended up writing a dissertation on the effects of e-learning on second language acquisition...
I'm not saying that I've now become an expert in ICT (there are still so many things to learn!) but surely I have been learning to appreciate the new perspectives this world is opening up in front of us! To make a long story short, I had long been totally unaware of the potential of new technologies...maybe just because I was too lazy to learn how to exploit these huge materials!
During these first two weeks of blogging, I had the opportunity to become even more familiar with the concept of electronic environment and to realize its positive effects on our learning process. I think that taking part to an online community is a challenging and enriching experience since you have the chance to use the English language to perform real tasks and, potentially, to communicate with people from all other the world.
Moreover, I think that blogging will enable us to come into contacts with the real English spoken by real people. As a matter of fact, university lectures or academic books offer us a rather stiff and standard variety of a language which is actually much more lively! I've been using a blog for only a couple of weeks but I realised that the key words of such online communities are above all collaboration, sharing and real world!

5 commenti:
Hi Alessia!
How are you? Last time we met was two weeks ago. I started to appreciate the use of blogs because even if we don't meet very often we can communicate in this way. I love your blog and the layout you created. It's the same of one of my peers. Of course there are some differences! I find them so poetic. From the title of the blog I see that you're still obsessed by the thought of your cat. It's a joke! Don't be angry, I know very well how much you love your cat. Refering back to the last paragraph of your post, I complitely agree with you. in these weeks I realised that using blogs meens exchanging things. All what we have to keep in mind is to communicate and collaborate with each others.
I forgot to say one thing! Have a look to my blog now, I've made some changes. Give me your opinion.
Hi Serena!
It's so good to hear you!
It's true: it's years since we last met and blogs are really wonderful tools because they enable us to be in contact which each others!
Thank you very much for your comment! I'm glad you like my blog (I spent almost a whole night to choose a template and a colour that could suit me!:-))Eventually, I decided to use this one because the lighthouse reminds me of the sea!
Don't worry for the joke, I won't be angry for this time! :-)
See you soon!
Hey Alessia!What a nice blog..colourful and well structued!!Unlike you I don't really like blogging..but this is only my first impression..I mean, I find difficult to write my own things in order to let other people read them..When I was a child I used to have a diary..but nobody could ever even touch it!!I think blogs are a kind of diary..but a public one where u can share materials and ideas..that's nice..maybe i just need some more time to really enjoy it!
Well, see u soon!!
Hi Vale!
I'm glad you visited my blog!What you said is true: share your pesronal feelings and experiences online may seem difficult at first but then you will find it exciting and motivating...perhaps we just need to get used at it!
See you soon!
Bye bye
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