Hello everybody and thank you for visiting my blog!
This post will help you to know a bit more about me and my interests.
Please, feel free to comment on whatever you want and to let me know your opinion on what I write in my blog!
In order to introduce myself, I decided to post the picture of a cat

... one of the most fascinating animals in the world. In spite of what most people usually think, cats are able to give you a lot and they don't expect anything from you in return... I love cats because they are smart and independent. Moreover, they are able to perceive dangerous situations and to avoid them...Since I was a toddler, I had always been accostumed to relate to cats and therefore I learned to respect them (and of course to respect animals in general - I'm an animal-rights supporter).
At the moment, I live with a beautiful kitten named Summer (what a beautiful name, isn't it?) and I'm hopelessly devoted to her...she is my alarm clock in the morning. She generally has a good sense of time but sometimes she get confused and ends up waking me at unusual times...such as 5 o' clock in the morning......but don't worry: I do have a real alarm clock too!
Here you have my favourite websites:
This website is probably well known by everybody...I particularly appreciate the possibility to "Have your say"
I "discovered" this website a couple of years ago...it periodically suggests you good books to read...very useful
I visit this website everytime I need to have a quick definition of something. The idea of building an online encyclopedia to which eveybody is allowed to contribute is really awesome!
This website works as an online library: it enables you to read a whole book online but even to search the words you don't know ...just as if you were reading a real book... I think it is a powerful tool if you can't go to the library but of course there's nothing better than curling up with a book in my sofa...
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