Today’s experience with feeds and feed aggregators has been completely new to me! I mean, I had heard of such tools but I didn’t know how to use them. I have to say that they are undoubtedly useful to reduce the time you need to check your favourite websites. Hence, instead of having to click on each blog or site to look for updates (which is pretty time-consuming and boring…especially if there’s no update at all), this system will automatic show you the latest changes. Nevertheless, not every website of your interest publishes an RSS feed so you can’t subscribe to all of them!
Bloglines was really easy to use (I watched the tutorial video just because I’m hopeless). I particularly appreciated the possibility to organise all the websites and blogs I am monitoring into different folders…I like tidy and neat things, especially when ICT are involved!
Now, I intend to use feed aggregators not only for the educational purposes of our blogs but also for my Italian blog, for example. I think it’s a sort of bookmarks’ list which, in addition, gives you tracks of the latest updates!
Bloglines was really easy to use (I watched the tutorial video just because I’m hopeless). I particularly appreciated the possibility to organise all the websites and blogs I am monitoring into different folders…I like tidy and neat things, especially when ICT are involved!
Now, I intend to use feed aggregators not only for the educational purposes of our blogs but also for my Italian blog, for example. I think it’s a sort of bookmarks’ list which, in addition, gives you tracks of the latest updates!

See you!
12 commenti:
Hi Alessia!
Well, in our posts we wrote almost the same things. Feed aggregators were something completely new for me as well, but at least you had already heard about them…I did not even know of their existence! :-( But that is all right, now I have learnt something new and I must say feeds are very useful tools. I agree with you, feed aggregators allow us to organize all the websites we are interested in and it is simply great that they show us the updates! In this way we do not need to check the pages every time, which is quite a waste of time.
I was just a little bit disappointed when I found out you cannot subscribe to every website because not all of them have a RSS feed… :-( Is not that a shame?
As you did, I also liked the possibility to put all my blogs and online newspapers into different folders…So I can find the things I need straightaway ;-)
Your post is very well-written and clear, so I do not have much to say about mistakes and improvements…Maybe I would just put “a RSS feed” rather than “an RSS feed” and I would leave out the comma before “for example” (in the last paragraph). Hope this helps!
Ok, that is all for now
See you in class!
Hi Alessia,
I agree with what you wrote: RSS are undoubtedly useful! In particular I’m happy to see that you appreciated the organization of Bloglines. I liked it very much: I created different folders. One for the members of my group and one for the other classmates but I think I’m going to create a new folder for my favourite blogs.
Hi Alessia!
It's incredible! We all wrote the same things this time. Have you realized that? Everyone was scared at the beginning and then it just turned out to be much much easier than we thought it to be. I guess it's going to be very annoying for Sarah to read all the posts and comments this week. It's the same stuff over and over again ;-).
I really agree with you, it's nice to have everything well organized and neat. However, I was a little disappointed, too, when I realized I couldn't send a comment from bloglines. So in the end I have to visit all the different blogs anyway, right?! But, you know, we can't have it all! And maybe it's even better to go visit the blogs because they're so nice and beautiful to see, aren't they?!
As far as Eleonora's suggestion on "for example" is concerned, I think you could even leave out at all just writing that you're going to use RSS for your Italian blog, too.
See you soon. Caroline
Hi Alessia,
like Eleonora I'm quite surprised you even heard of feed aggregators before, I'm impressed!
I personally knew nothing about them at all, not until Sarah mentioned them in e-tivity 4.
I have to say I'm not deeply into feed aggregators yet, but I think I'll get that taking my time.
Surely it's easier to check out the new blog entries and stuff, it saves some time.
One thing I thought might be useful about feed aggregators is the possibility to see if there are new comments on the blogs as well. Apparently, Sarah wrote Nina that to see the comments you can't rely on the f.a. but you have to actually go check on the specific blog.
Well, not much of a problem really... ;)
See you in class.
Hi Alessia,
I've read what the peers in our group wrote about Feeds and Feeds aggregators, and I noticed we've practically had the same reactions. We agree this tool is useful and help to save time.
As it happened to Eleonora, I was disappointed and a little bit frustrated when I found out that not all the sites have a RSS feed. Wouldn't it be great if you could just subscribe to them all?
By the way, thanks for the comment you left to my blog regarding my observations about technology and how it is becoming more and more present in our lives. I agree with you that these tools can become overwhelming. The idea of how much technological tools are part of our way of living can be really scaring.
On one side it is undoubtedly true that they are making your lives much more easier than in the past. On the other hand, I cannot help thinking how scaring and confusing is the speed of technological changes. We don't have time to learn a new program or a new media that there is constantly new tools coming out. Sometimes I feel kind of slave of technology, because I feel oppressed by this pressure to be up to date with technological changes. Otherwise I feel kind of outside the world. What do you think?
Well, I hope I've managed to explain my idea, 'cause it not really clear.
See you
Hey Alessia!
what's your Italian blog? I'd love to read it to improve my (now very very bad) Italian!
I liked the style you wrote your post in. Very well structured I think. I wasn't in class and you were pretty quick with doing your homework. Thanks, because I read it before I started doing mine and it helped me to get more into the topic of how, why and also to see that other people were confused with what was going on..:)
see you in class! nina
Reply to Stefania:
Hi Stefania!
thank you for you comment!It's always good to hear you!
I created different folders too 'cause I like tidy and clear things!The only "negative" aspect of bloglines is the fact that you can't read or write a comment to a blog from there...anyway it's not a big problem!
See you soon
Reply to Eleonora:
Hi Eleonora!
Thank you for your comment! You’ve been so kind and I really appreciated your suggestions about grammar and form… as you know, it is always difficult for a person to recognise his/her own mistakes! So, peer feedback is welcomed here!
Feel free to give me your suggestions even for my future posts if you want to!
See you in the lab!!!
Reply to Caroline:
Hi Caroline!
Thank you for your suggestions! As I wrote to Eleonora, I really appreciate peer feedback as it is a good opportunity to improve my English…So I’m not touchy as far as learning is concerned!
P.S.: What you wrote at the beginning of the post is true…Sarah will find our messages a bit repetitive…we all had the same impressions of feeds!
See you in the lab!!!
Reply to Enrico:
Hi Enrico!
Well, I had heard of feeds but actually it was not so useful since I didn't even know how to use them...anyway, we have now become experts!!!! :-)
See you soon
Reply to Anna:
Hi Anna,
I can see we are exactly of the same opinion about technologies! We appreciate them because they undoubtedly make our life easier but, at the same time, we want to be cautious about using them!
P.S. what you wrote about the speed of technological changes is absolutely true…nowadays, it is impossible to have an up-to-date computer…changes are made in the span of a couple of months…
See you in the lab!!!
Reply to Nina:
Hi Nina!
I'm glad you found my post interesting!
Here there's the link to my Italian blog... it's a bit trivial compared to the English blog :-) :
... but I hope it can be useful to improve your Italian!
P.S. : feel free to ask me whatever you want about it!
Hope this help!
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